Before contacting or reaching out to potential prospects, make sure you are prepared. Make sure you understand the prospects requirements before making that call and ultimately make that sale. Marketing and sales is a skill and requires focus and attention.

If you are really serious when marketing and selling, then being prepared and ready before you meet your prospects is so important. You need to be able to leverage information to your advantage to address those customer needs. Ensure your marketing strategy objectives are clear.

This is equally important if you are looking to be successful in the competitive home business market, especially when marketing and selling your Ideas Working From Home.

Let’s assume you have a list of customers. Before you go out to make contact you need to ensure you are prepared. You need to gather the best information in order to stand a chance to make that sale. You must know what the customers are really looking for. Provide what they want every time and you will be seen as an expert within your field – holding some authority.

So how do you become prepared? What are great business marketing ideas? Let’s start with three empty buckets. One at a time, we will now fill these with actionable information to help you make that sale.

Bucket 1 – company research. You need to research your potential customers. Find out as much as you can about the company and the people within. The internet is a great source to help with this. Think about how the company operates and their business? What critical issues do they face? Where are their opportunities for growth? How does their profit become affected by the economy? These questions will address the companies buying mood. Surprisingly, even in difficult times, companies will still buy. They will be looking for profitable solutions.

Bucket 2 – Industry research. This is about the industry competition. Where does the company stand within their industry? Are they fairing well compared to their competitors. Are there opportunities to help them build on their profits? Is there an opportunity on the horizon to help their business? It is important here is to learn their language. This is so that you can communicate effectively.

Bucket 3 - Competitive differentiation research. This is the ability to be able to stand apart from others in your industry. How do you sell your product or service over others? You really need to understand yourself and your business. What makes you better, stand out and separates you from your competition? You need to earn customers trust and help remove their fears. Gather some great testimonials helping to raise your profile.

You need to be aware what your competition does that you currently don’t but in fact should. You need to understand this to be at your best. How are you different?

Now that all 3 buckets are full of information, it isn’t now just a case of storing this knowledge and think you can get away with the line “I’ve been doing this for 20 years so I know what you are looking for!” It’s about using this information to tailor your sales presentation – being ready.

So, once you have filled your 3 buckets, you will have a combination of information about your customer, their industry and how you can align to their needs.

The information on its own is useless unless you know how to leverage this to your advantage. This is where you fill a forth bucket and this will contain the desired and tailored solution. To do this you will need to take relevant information from the 3 buckets. Readiness and success does not just apply to the information, but how you apply it. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Identify the solution that can be provided to meet the customers needs.
  2. Identify potential objections the customer may have. Make a list of these and provide answers. Knowing potential questions is important because you could address these before they come up.
  3. Create a list of intelligent questions to engage with the customer. This opens up dialogue. Remember avoid closed questions – those with yes and no answers. Ask open questions; how would you …, what do you plan …, How important is …., If you could change … etc. Think about the customers needs.
Remember, people don’t care about you, your service or product unless it affects them. Also remember customers and prospects are people so need to be treated as such.

My name is Gary Oakes and I know we can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. If this is the seed, then let me feed you and help you grow. I’m helping people to think positively about the future. I’m a believer that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it.

I’m giving away free material to help one get started in an enterprise to starting a business working from home. By following some really simple techniques, the journey starts by following the link to ideas working from home.

It does not cost you anything to view the free material, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.

What is the secret of writing good online ads to get attention! The term AIDA spells it all out. Read this to help you focus where it matters next time you write an advert on the internet to advertise your lucrative business ideas.

If you are building an internet business (internet advertising and marketing) through ideas working from home, then you need to seriously get attention to your ads if you are to survive in the game. What are your ads actually saying? Are they connecting with people? Do they get any attention? How are they perceived? It’s those who know how to advertise who will get the business!

‘Better advertising means better marketing’

If you have a lead capture page then it is really important that it is attractive. Many are starting to become noisy and directionless. To do the job, they need to be kept simple. You need to persuade someone to do something and this means you need to focus on their needs and not yours. In other words, you need to understand the audience and what they are looking for – make that connection.

‘People buy things for what they do and not for what they are’ 

People are driven towards the end result and not the tools along the way. You need to shift off from you and onto them.

To help you write your ad, consider the term AIDA!

·         A – Attention

·         I – Interest

·         D – Desire

·         A – Action

Headlines drive business. Become a guru and make your best small business idea be transparent in the number 1 spot. Great ads are always reused. Look at the news papers and magazines next time you walk around the news stands. See how quickly a headline grabs your attention. Make a note how these work to get your attention. What is it that makes them stand out? It all starts by grabbing your attention. 70% of readers on the internet will stay on your site if you have a good headline. If you have a poor headline, have poor structure – then they are gone!

Headlines that really work are those connected with the latest news and celebrities, so you need to look at a way to incorporate this into your ad. 

A good headline formula is to be outrages, inject mystery and drama. Drop the chains and allow yourself to be criticised. Just be news worthy and don’t worry what people think. More and more people are looking to gain more time and work less so a good headline could be “How to earn great money online by working fewer hours”. People should connect with the statement, so what you need to do now is to provide the solution.

Remember, do your internet marketing research and follow the four simple steps:- get Attention, gain Interest, promote Desire and have a call of Action. 

My name is Gary Oakes and I know we can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. If this is the seed, then let me feed you and help you grow. I’m helping people to think positively about the future. I’m a believer that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it.

I’m giving away free material to help one get started in an enterprise to starting a business working from home. By following some really simple techniques, the journey starts by following the link to ideas working from home.

It does not cost you anything to view the free material, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.

The Wright Brothers got a result by being passionate to reach their goal. They understood their Why! The same mentality exists today. If you put your mind to something, become passionate and committed, then there is no reason why you could not be successful with your Ideas Working From Home. So how can you be successful managing your own home based business and reap the rewards? 

Let’s start with a story behind the Wright Brothers.

The goals were ambitious, the public interest was high, experts in the field were gathered and the money was readily available. All the ingredients was present to make this special project a success. Back in the early 1900s, Samuel Pierpont Langley set out to be the first man to pilot an aircraft. He was educated at the Boston Latin School, graduated from the English High School, became an assistant in the Harvard College Observatory and became chair of mathematics at the United States Naval Academy.   

To help with the mission, he was enriched with the most powerful people in government and had a business grant in the region of $50,000 to fund the project.

The press followed him everywhere, riveted by this story as it was unfolding. “When would Samuel achieve his goal?”

With his team and resources, he was guaranteed to succeed – or was he?

A few hundred miles away, Wilbur and Orville Wright were also working on their flying machine. There was no press, no grants and no high connections. They were looking to succeed through their passion - the passion to fly.

As their passion was so intense, they were committed to succeed. The rest is now history. On 17 December 1903, the first manned flight was witnessed. The Wright Brothers were the first to invent aircraft controls that made fixed-wing powered flight possible.

This was not down to luck, but inspiration. Both brothers had high working ethics, were highly motivated and worked well as a team. Between the Wright Brothers and Samuel Pierpont Langley, only the Wright Brothers were inspired. They started each day with the why in mind and not the glory.

So where is this all leading? What about if you are in a situation where you passionately really want to do something different, have acknowledged you have reached a point in your life when enough really is enough and seriously want to change your lifestyle. If you are feeling this way then you are mentally prepared to do something different. Sometimes success comes with the best small business idea. So what’s next?

Working for yourself and reaping the rewards is not only possible, but probable provided you are committed, and if you need help starting a small business then learn how to become motivated. What a difference this would make to your life.

It was this focus, tenacity and being creative that drove the Wright Brothers to their success. They weren’t just going through the motions; they were living and breathing it as a way of life. Do you see the comparisons? It’s this mentality that drives people from staying where they are to doing something life changing.

So do you feel up to the challenge? Do you feel you are one of those 3% people who really want to take charge of your own destiny? If so, what is stopping you!

My name is Gary Oakes and as a business coach, not only am I helping people to market their businesses effectively on the internet, but encouraging people to start. I’m a believer that people can find a way to build a small business in their own time, to think positive and aim for a vision and dream. We all have ideas and the ability to take control of our lives. I’m giving away free material to help one get started in any small business looking to market on the internet. Follow some really simple techniques. Start your journey by following the link to Ideas Working From Home.

It does not cost you anything to make enquiries, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.

If you are on a mission to promote the Best Business Ideas From Home or trade successfully through a small brick and mortar business, staying focused on what really matters will help you achieve results and to reach your goals far quicker. But we waste so much time on the little and unnecessary things in life. You know what these are. If you need help in staying focused then read on.

When focusing on being successful, no matter what it is you are trying to achieve, it is important to put everyday into perspective in order to reach your goals. It is important to concentrate on the things that are necessary and neglect those that aren’t. This can be a difficult concept for many.

The habit of a visionary leader is they have a clear sense of direction – a clear path on how to reach their goal (Smart Goal Setting). Undertaking say five activities each and every day to help you reach your goal is a great concept on staying focused. The activities should be worthy of energy and attention. Focus on what matters and then have the discipline to be liberated.

There are a number of metaphors that articulate what is being spelt out here: ‘Switch from being busy to achieving results’. ‘The person who tries to catch two rabbits catches neither’. ‘Those who try to achieve everything achieve nothing’. In other words you are more likely to succeed if you concentrate on what is important, what matters and relevant [sometimes termed as ‘high heeled activities’] and stop working on those things that don’t. Stop trying to achieve too many things at once.

Many will find it difficult to know where to start. The answer here is to start on yourself. You are not always going it get it right. Accept there will be failures when you start out.

Here is analogy about goal setting:

Imagine driving a twin engine speed boat and when you look behind is the wake spreading wider and wider from your point of reference. In front, racing towards you is a luxurious remote island. During this journey you are thrilled and enjoying the ride.

Within this statement are three goal setting tips. The wake being the little objectives and goals tackled along your journey. These have gone by – passed. Your main goal is the island and if you wish to reach this quickly then it’s no good keep looking back but instead to keep looking forward.

The island is your goal. The closer you speed towards the island, the quicker you will reach your goal. You need to stay focused and determined.

So where does the boat come into this. In this case, the boat is the vehicle that will help you get to your goal. You may need to take a number of unexpected detours, but this does not matter as long as you keep on course. Go for what you really want.

If you are involved in creating a better lifestyle for yourself and your family, and want to know how to start small business from home successfully, then you need to start trading quickly in order to gain results as soon as possible. This is about focusing on your biggest goal and doing what it takes to get you there. Avoid wasting time on things that do not matter, and seriously do five things each day that will take you closure to where you want to be and be the number 1 home business.

Being a leader is about showing up each day with vision, focus, commitment, determination and passion allowing you to grow and for your business to thrive. It all starts with establishing your biggest goal and being hungry to get there.

My name is Gary Oakes and as a business coach, not only am I helping people to market their own business, but encouraging people to start. I’m a believer that people can find a way to build a small business in their own time, to think positive and aim for a vision and dream. We all have ideas and the ability to take control of our lives. I’m giving away free material to help one get started in any small business looking to market on the internet. Follow some really simple techniques. Start your journey by following the link to Best Business Ideas From Home.

It does not cost you anything to make enquiries, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.

If people put their mind to it, there are endless ideas and possibilities to start a home based business and there has never been a better time to start one. With people out of work, in debt and seeking alternative employment, then why not look into Ideas Working From Home as a goal this year.

Mention but a few, the advantages of operating a business from home means no employees, no space, no rent, no inventory, no insurance, no liabilities and all the other head aches we are accustomed to with running a business. Wouldn’t it be a great benefit if your business took 60 – 80% profit and allowed you to live the way you wish to live and do the things you want to do.  .

A home business can be started and operate at little cost compared to a small brick and mortar business, can be managed part or full time with you in control. Simple ideas could range from child minders, walking dogs, growing fruit and vegetables to sell locally, painting and decorating, cutting and weeding peoples gardens and so on. Some work will require a specific skill set, but many don’t. These are all services people are prepared to pay for. What about if you came up with an idea to provide a service, some information, that people are prepared to purchase for $1. What about if you managed to advertise this around the world and take 1,000,000 offers?

With the last sentence above you might right now be sceptical. Provide some knowledge, a record track, an educational video and learn to advertise on the internet, let it run 24/7 and see what happens. Surely this is achievable. If you are still sceptical then you need to learn to create a vision, set goals and follow a dream. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. You could come up with the best small business idea to circulate the planet. Just plant the seed.

Whatever business is taken on, it does require the desire, passion and tenacity to succeed. These are mindset issues and true leadership qualities. There may also be the need to buy the tools and materials, learn to learn and seek out other resources to build your business in the home. However, not everything has to be purchased from new and this will help keep start up costs to a minimum.

So if you have the desire, the tools, the skills and have found a niche in the market place, then you are more or less ready to go. But now you need a good internet marketing strategy to market your service or product. Marketing can be costly, but there are a number of cost effective solutions. You could do local mail drops, advertise at your local shops, place ads in your local papers. This is limiting and time consuming. Or you can plug into the power of the internet and market your business around the world – become an international entrepreneur.

To become the number 1 home business, you will need to believe in what you are doing and stay the course. It’s always easy to give up and this is where many people really do lose out. This is the beauty of running a business through the internet from home as it can be given the attention as and when necessary. It may take years then so be it. After all, you could be around for a long time to come.

All credit to anyone who takes on and manage their own business at home and I would certainly encourage it. It really does take one to a different level – a level compared to that of a leader.

Of course, whilst you think about that $1 idea, why not tap into some internet marketing training. Even better, why not earn whilst you learn. How does this sound for an online home based business model to start off with. Imagine if you were responsible for the marketing i.e. advertising, to get people “through the shop door”. Once in, leave it to professionals to close the sale. For every sale however, you get a commission. Wouldn’t it be even better if the tools, skills and start up costs were kept to a minimum and that there was an educational platform helping you to market step by step, along with support and guidance.

Too good to be true? Let’s face it, selling and closing the deal is an art. It is far easier if your time was spent learning the art of internet marketing and to leave it to professionals to do what they do best in closing the sale. This way it is a win win situation. This is where a number of the MLM type businesses could be enhanced.

My name is Gary Oakes and as a business coach, not only am I helping people to market their own business, but encouraging people to start. I’m a believer that people can find a way to build a small business in their own time, to think positive and big, and fulfil a dream. We all have the ability. I’m giving away free material to help one get started as well as a path to follow if looking for ideas to become wealthy beyond ones imagination. It all starts by follow the link to Ideas Working From Home.

It does not cost you anything to make enquiries, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.